Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let's get started.

Okay Nikki, you have to post now. I did my part for now, still working on a few things, but this is your blog. Thanks for letting me play with it.



Nicole said...

Brad & Nikki,

Jessica Thomas said...

Hi Girl. I'm in Vegas with my Mom, Kate & Kellie.

Missin' you all. When can we get together. I hope you're great. Just wanted to tell you how much I love ya!


Jessica Thomas said...

Come on Nik . . . I miss you. Please post something - ANYTHING! Love ya, JT

Nicole said...

I have changed my blog address. It is now: myfabulousfour.blogspot.com
I'm taking my last name off of everything.
Love ya!

CharLee Carn said...

NIKKI!!! I'm so happy to see that you have a blog! Now that I don't see you guys as much as I use to, this will make it so we can!! I miss you so much! I can't believe how big everyone is! Your family is beautiful...I better see you once I get home this summer! How is Brad doing? Keep in touch! I miss ya and love tons!!! :)

The Adams Family said...

Okay, darlin! You HAVE to post something! I just found you, so you have to add me to your list so we can keep in touch.
BTW- I'm in Utah for a few months, my life is insane, but we need to get together, call me dear! ~Chablis

PhillipsFamily said...

Nikki, ok girl I have looked at your blog sooo many times and there is nothing new! What is up drill team camp is over GET ON IT. Just kidding I of all people am one to talk. I just finally got one and I will be updating it(more than my spaces one). It is phillipsfam2.blogspot.com. I hope all is well miss you guys.- Jamie

Anonymous said...

Nik, I think that it is about time for a post. I need to see pictures of those adorable Ashton kids! Love ya!

Angie and Ryan said...

Hey Nikki this is ANgie Ryan's wife. He mentioned something to me about you needing some help with a dance competition. I would love to help in any way. I am certified with uhsaa to judge all drill team comps or anything else you need let me know.

Jamie said...

NIKKI!!! Hey cute girl who I haven't seen in over a year! How are you? Well, you look absolutely beautiful in your pic! I bumped into Lauralyn and she mentioned you and her were putting together a competiton to BEAT all competitions...sounds exciting! Let me know what I can do to help! K, well I know you aren't posting a lot, so I guess we'll see if you even read this!
-Jamie Hofheins

Sam and Natalie said...

Miss you guys!!